This is an introduction to World of Kings
What is World of Kings? World of Kings is another mobile-friendly MMORPG from Chinese developer ZLOONG. It appeared in May 2019 as a free app for Andorid and iOS.
The MMORPG genre has become increasingly popular over the years on the Play Store. Multiple releases have been hitting the shelves in the last few months, and World of Kings is the latest to throw its hat in the overly-crowded ring. The game suspiciously looks a heck of a lot like World of Warcraft, but sadly the gameplay deviates from the fun of a PC MMO and opts for the same auto-play mechanics we've seen time and time again in similar mobile releases.
The features are based on the classic Themepark MMORPG and are linked to mobile elements:
automated gameplay
Quest and level system with late game improvements
PvP on battlefields with up to 20 players per side

A special feature of World of Kings, however, are the classes. The four races can choose a total of nine classes, but all of them can move up to one of three other classes. There are a total of 27 classes available.
How World of Kings copies WoW: The name of World of Kings is quite similar to that of Platzhirsch World of Warcraft. In addition, the very first steps in the world look like being on Azeroth:
Houses, cities, streets and enemies look almost exactly as the templates from WoW. Also some details like icons, flags and banners are not only inspired, but also directly copied. Even word jokes were taken in places: Where WoW Harrison Jones has, is in World of Kings Indiana Ford around.
That’s all I got. Good luck and I hope you have as much fun with her as I do! If you wanna
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